CHLQ立式气动灌装机 产品特点: 适用于化工、食品、日化、药品、农药、润滑油等行业的液体、膏体等物质的灌装。 缸体、机壳、料斗均由不锈钢材料制成,活塞由聚四氟乙烯材料制成,气动部分均采用进口气动元件,符合GMP要求。 灌装量和灌装速度均可任意调节,脚踏开关和自动灌装功能,精度高,结构简洁,操作便利。 技术参数: 气 压:0.4NPA工作方式:气动 灌装速度:≤50次/分 重量:40Kg 灌装范围:2ml-50ml 10ml-150ml 30ml-300ml 50ml-500ml 100ml-1000ml 灌装精度:±1% 料斗容量:30Kg 外型尺寸:500mm×370mm×1580mm CHLQ vertical pneumatic filling machine Introduction: Applicable to chemical, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, pesticides, lubricating oil and other sectors of the liquid, paste and other substances filling. Cylinder block, housing, a hopper are all made of stainless steel material, the piston made of polytetrafluoroethylene materials, pneumatic parts imported pneumatic components, in line with the GMP requirements. Filling volume and filling speed can be adjusted, the foot switch and automatic filling function, high precision, simple structure, convenient operation. Technical parameter: Air pressure:0.4NPA mode: Pneumatic Filling speed:≤50 beats / min Weight: 40Kg 2ml-50ml10ml-150ml30ml-300ml50ml-500ml filling range:100ml-1000ml Filling precision:± 1% Hopper capacity:30Kg Size:500mm ×370mm ×1580mm