CHG-6T六头膏体灌装机 产品特点: 本系列膏体灌装机是我司集多年生产经验,并引进吸收世界先进技术研制而成的新一代全自动灌装机。它采用活塞定量,集机电、气动于一体,电器和气动元件选用世界****,由PLC控制,设计合理,结构紧凑,外形美观,具有性能稳定**、灌装精度高、适应性强、操作简单、维护方便等特点。???广泛适用于各种半流体、膏体、粘稠体、酱料和各种含颗料物料的灌装。如含果肉饮料、蜂蜜、糖浆、果酱、花生酱、芝麻酱、番茄酱、辣椒酱以及各类膏状物。 性能特点:1、采用世界****的电器和气动元件,故障率低,性能稳定**,使用寿命长;2、与物料接触均为不锈钢制作,拆装简单,易清洗,符合食品卫生要求;3、灌装量和灌装速度调整简单,设有无瓶不灌装功能,液位自动控制加料,外形美观;4、不需要更换零件,即可**调整更换不同形状规格的瓶子,适用性强;5、灌装嘴设有防滴漏装置,确保灌装无拉丝、不滴漏。 技术参数: 电源 220V 50/60HZ? 300W 气压 0.4-0.6mpa 灌装速度 20-60瓶/分 灌装精度 ≤±1% 可选机型 5-100ml 10-280ml 20-500ml 100-1000ml? 500-2800ml? 1000-5000ml 灌装头数 二头、四头、六头、八头(可定做) CHG-6T 6 heads automatic Ointment Filling Machine Introduction : The Head Piston Type Fully Automatic Filling Machine by our company after absorbing the world top technology. It applies piston type quantitative principle, and the electric parts and pneumatic parts are the world famous brands products and features PLC and human-machine interface control, original design, beautiful appearance, strong adaptability, simple operation, accurate filling capacity and convenient maintenance. It is widely used for filling various kinds of liquid, dope and paste( namely Head dense catsup Fully Automatic Filling Machine). It can also fill semiliquid, paste, sauce with granule after replacing the filling valve. Several filling capacities are available. Other Features ① Apply world famous electric parts and pneumatic parts, low fault ratio, reliable performance and long life ② The parts contact the materials are made of stainless steel and completely meet the GMP standard ③ Simple adjustment for filling capacity and filling speed, display and operate from the touch screen, beautiful appearance ④ No filling without bottle, the liquid level will automatically control feeding ⑤ Carious kinds of shapes and sizes of bottles can be quickly adjusted without replacing any parts ⑥ The filling head is installed with anti-leakage · Technical parameter : Powe supply 220V 50/60HZ 300W Sir pressure 0.4-0.6mpa Filling speed 20-60bottles/min Filling accuracy ≤±1% Filling volumes range 5-100ml 10-280ml 20-500ml 100-1000ml 500-2800ml 1000-5000ml Filling heads 2、4、6、8(According to requirements)